Red as Blood, By Isis

Part 17

    Willow sat sobbing in the garden.  Shortly after arriving at the palace, her friends left her so that they may attend to their jobs.  She made her way through the corridors back to the room where she had first encountered King Angelus, and from there, she entered the gardens.  Finding herself alone, she allowed herself to express the sorrow, fear, and frustration that had built up over her visit in Sunnydale.  She was so caught up in her distress that she did not hear the figure walking up to her.

    “Don’t fret, kitten.  Mummy’s here.”

    “Who are you?”

    “Shhh…  Everything’s all right.  Tell mummy what’s wrong.”

    “I… I’m all right.  Just…  I’m sorry for disturbing you.  I’ll go somewhere else.”  Willow stood and began to walk away, but her arm was caught gently by a soft, cool hand.

    “No, stay.  Things are not right.  You have tried to extinguish the flame.  The one thing that can melt the ice.  Fire and ice alone cannot exist for long, though.  You must find him quickly, or all will be lost.”

    “Find who?  The Prince?”

    “Your true love, the Prince, my son.  It does not matter.  You must find him.”

    “So now you want me to marry your son, too?  I’m sorry, but I cannot.”

    “Then we are all doomed.”

    “What do you mean?”  The stranger was about to answer when the two heard someone approaching from across the courtyard.

    “Drusilla,” King Angelus greeted his wife.  “I did not know that you were here.  And what is this?  You have found a Weeping Willow in your garden.  Good day, Your Highness.”

    “Good day, Your Majesty.  And to you also, my Queen.”  Willow replied.

    “What troubles you so, princess?  Has my wife said something to make you weep?”

    “No, of course not.  I… Things have not been… easy here lately.  I suppose I felt homesick.”

    “Well then, by all means, go home.  Your mother will be glad to see you, I am sure, and far be it from me to keep you here against your will.”

    “It’s not that simple.”

    “The flame is dying, my Angel.  Twice it has sputtered, only to be lit again by another.  But I fear that it will not return a third time.  It must melt the ice before then.”

    “Of course dear.  Now, tell me, Princess, why is it that you are here.  Certainly you did not plan this visit.  It is unlike you to ignore such formalities as awaiting an invitation or announcing your presence to the presiding royalty.”

    Willow’s face flushed as she realized the errors she had made.  “Forgive me, Your Majesty.  It is true that I did not intend to visit you today.  I was brought here by others to protect me from the wrath of someone who despises me.  I know not what has been told to you, but there have been… I almost…  Someone has tried to kill me.”

    “Here, within the borders of Sunnydale?”  Angelus asked, astounded.  Willow nodded.  “Do you know why someone would do this?”

    She shrugged.  “They want me dead.”

    “Do accept my apologies.  No wonder you are distressed.  I assure you that it will not happen again.  It is obvious that you friends cannot provide the protection that you deserve.  You will stay here in the palace for the remainder of your visit.  You need not even return for your belongings.  I will send someone for them.”

    “No, please.  I am sure that I am safe with them.  It was error on my behalf that led to the success of past attempts.  I am far too trusting.  I was warned, but I ignored those who knew best.  Besides, they need me there, and I enjoy being away from the ceremony and formality of being a princess.”

    “Drusilla, what do you think of this?  Shouldn’t she stay here?”

    “You cannot smother the flame.  If you hide it, what good does it do?”

    “Very well, but if you ever feel unsafe, you are welcome here.  Just let us know when you arrive.”

    “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

    “Come, Drusilla.  You are needed elsewhere, and I am sure that Willow would enjoy some time alone.  By the way, Princess, thank you for the advice about the roses.  You’ll find that the aphids are gone now.”  The King and Queen departed together, leaving Willow alone with her thoughts.

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