Part 9
At the palace, King Angelus was trying to warm the young Prince to the idea of meeting and marrying the Princess in the cottage. Unfortunately, he was not having much luck.
"William, just meet the girl. I'm not asking you to marry her… yet."
"Why must I meet this one? And what makes her so different from all the other girls you've arranged for me to meet?"
"Well, to begin with, she's a princess. Secondly, you've been home for two months, and you've not even begun your search for a bride."
"Father, I told you - "
"I know you've had your heart broken, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't get out and meet some new people. Perhaps she will help to ease the pain. And you may be able to do the same for her."
"Do the same? What do you mean?"
"You have much in common with her. It appears that she too has been spurned by a love not worthy of her."
"Then my meeting her can only cause her more pain, as she would cause me. I'm not ready to do this yet, my King. I'm sorry."
"I understand, my son. But the time will come when you must move on with your life, and that time will be here soon."
"Yes, Father." William turned and returned to his quarters.
"It appears that I will have to do more than I had planned if I am to have him married." Angelus called to the guard waiting in the corridor. "Larry, bring Lieutenant Summers here. I wish to have a word with her."
"She has left for the day, your Majesty."
"Very well, then. Have her report to me as soon as she comes in tomorrow."
"Yes, your Majesty."
As promised, Buffy reported to the Throne Room immediately upon her arrival. "You called for me, your majesty?"
"Yes, Miss Summers. I believe the time has come to introduce the happy couple."
"What couple? And to who?"
"Never mind. I believe that we should arrange for your friend to meet my son."
"Really? Now? I mean, I think it's great that you want them to get together and all, and I mean no disrespect, but I don't think now is the right time for it to happen."
"And what makes you think that?"
"Well, see, she's… adjusting to her new life, and something… a great honor such as this… would come as a shock to her, and… well, I just don't want to see her get hurt again."
"I see. And what, pray tell, has brought about this change?"
"A garden."
"A garden? Is that all? Then by all means, have her come here and see our gardens. The finest horticulturists in all the world tend to the plants here. Every flower is perfect, and no bug mars the waxy surface of a leaf. I'll have William give her a tour. What more could she want?"
"A bit of earth of her own."
"She… she has a way with things that grow. Flowers, herbs, trees… they all thrive under her touch. And tending to them seems to soothe her and help her to forget."
"Tell her she can have her own garden with all the rare flowers she could ever want once she marries William… no, don't tell her that, not yet. We'll save the talk of marriage for after their meeting. Tell her… tell her something, I don't care what. Just get her here."
"I'll do my best, your Majesty."
"I don't want your best. I want her here."
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