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The Slayer

I'm Christine (the damsel and student)

Which Phantom of the Opera character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla I'm Christine!
You are Christine. Naive and sweet, you easily
fall into traps. Beware of older men... While you may not be in the spotlight right now, make the extra effort and you'll soon find yourself
in a starring role.

Which 'Phantom of the Opera' character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Christine
You are most like Christine, Very sweet, a little
clueless, and undeceive, but sweet and besides
looks make up for what ever important attributes
you are missing. I would marry rich and hope
for the best.

What character from Phantom of the Opera are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla Christine Daae
Christine the Singer -- You often find yourself
torn between two desicions, unable to decide
what is right and what is wrong. If you would
spend more time thinking rationally, you would
get things done a lot better and a lot quicker.

What Phantom of the Opera Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla kay
You are the Christine from Susan Kay's 1991 novel
-- If you think about it, just about every
other version of Christine, though lonely and
depressed, is an independant and capable
woman...So where did everyone get the idea that
Christine was a pathetic child ? FROM YOU!
Congrats. Even Erik knew it when he said you'd
never be able to survive without a man to play
the father-figure. You took the whole
"Wandering child, so lost, so
helpless" and magnified it ten-fold! You
are the epitome of the scared and frightened,
childish and naive, innocent and completely
victimized damsel in distress! But it's all
right. You eventually get over it. And HOW!

Which Phantom of the Opera Christine are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

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